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Plugins not working in Episerver 8, But working in Episerver 7



We have migrated over project from episerver 7 to episerver 8, many custom plugins are not working in Episerver 8.

I tried digging a lot but couldn't able to find any sollution.

Below is the code for the Reference.

Help will be truly appreciated

[IFrameComponentWithAuthorization(Url = "~/Consid/Plugins/EditCommands.aspx",
ReloadOnContextChange = true,
PlugInAreas = "/episerver/cms/assets",
Title = "Indexera sida/sidor",
MinHeight = 350,
MaxHeight = 500,
AllowedRoles = "WebAdmins, Administrators, Administratörer")]
public partial class EditCommands : ContentBaseUserControl
private string SITE_INDEX = "Site Index";
private string EK_INDEX = "EK Index";

public Dictionary Indexes

if (!indexes.Keys.Contains(index.InternName))

return indexes;

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

if (UrlRewriteProvider.Module != null)
UrlRewriteProvider.Module.FURLRewriteResponse = false;

ReindexButton.Text = "Indexera sidan '" + CurrentContent.Name + "'";

if (!IsPostBack)
ServerList.DataTextField = "Value";
ServerList.DataValueField = "Key";
ServerList.DataSource = Indexes;

public void ReindexButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ServerList.SelectedItem == null)
Message.Text = "Du måste välja ett index!";

if (!siteIndex && !commonIndex)
Message.Text = "Indexeringen kunde inte slutföras.";
Message.Text = string.Format("Indexering av sidan {0} har startat på {1} och kommer finnas tillgänglig i indexet inom kort.",


public void ReindexThisButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ServerList.SelectedItem == null)
Message.Text = "Du måste välja ett index!";

if (Url.Text != string.Empty)
bool siteIndex = false;
bool commonIndex = false;

ReindexUrl(Url.Text, CheckLinks.Checked, out siteIndex, out commonIndex);
CheckLinks.Checked = false;

if (!siteIndex && !commonIndex)
Message.Text = "Indexeringen kunde inte slutföras.";

catch(Exception ex)
Message.Text = "Indexeringen kunde inte slutföras.";

private void ReindexUrl(string url, bool indexLinks, out bool notifyResultOnSite, out bool notifyResultOnCommon)
notifyResultOnSite = false;
notifyResultOnCommon = false;

NotifySearchIndex notifyIndex = null;

List uris = new List();
// Check sub URLs
if (indexLinks)
uris = SiteSeekerHelper.ExtractUriListFromHtmlMap(url, true);
uris.Add(new Uri(url.ReplaceDomainNameWithIp()));

ListItem li = ServerList.Items.FindByValue(SiteConfig.Instance.GetSearchIndex(SiteSeekerIndexes.EpiSite).InternName);
if (li != null && li.Selected)
li.Selected = false;
PageData pageData = null;
PageReference pr = new PageReference(CurrentContent.ContentLink.ID);
pageData = DataFactory.Instance.GetPage(pr);
catch (Exception)
pageData = DataFactory.Instance.GetPage(PageReference.StartPage);

notifyIndex = SearchIndexFactory.GetNotifySearchIndex(pageData.NodeSiteIndex());
notifyResultOnSite = notifyIndex.Notify(uris.ToArray());

li = ServerList.Items.FindByValue(SiteConfig.Instance.GetSearchIndex(SiteSeekerIndexes.CommonIndex).InternName);
if (li != null && li.Selected)
li.Selected = false;
notifyIndex = SearchIndexFactory.GetNotifySearchIndex(
notifyResultOnCommon = notifyIndex.Notify(uris.ToArray());

Oct 27, 2016 10:02
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.