Remove old versions of page with id 36661 and try again?
Set default value of that property to pagename in code?
(just shooting from hip here mind you...) :)
Or if it does not work, hook into the content publishing/published event and see what is wrong. You can set the properties values (as a temp measure) there...
I am facing same issue I get error 'Failed to copy page 'testevent' to '2016'.:Exception: Property 'Start Date' is required.'. Please let me know if you find any fix.
Mahesh Kulkarni
When we copy a small portion of the page tree and then try to paste the copied part below another page, we get an exception:
2016-11-30 10:22:27,804 [100] ERROR EPiServer.Core.Transfer.TransferLogger: 10.5.3 Export/import error: [Importing content 36661_143996] Exception: The property 'Rubrik på sidan' is required.[]
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationException: The property 'Rubrik på sidan' is required.
at EPiServer.DataFactory.ThrowValidationError(IEnumerable`1 validationErrors)
at EPiServer.DataFactory.Validate(IContent content, SaveAction action)
at EPiServer.DataFactory.Save(IContent content, SaveAction action, AccessLevel access)
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at EPiServer.Core.PageStoreBase.RaiseCancellablePageEvent(String key, String defaultReason, ContentEventArgs eventArgs)
at EPiServer.DataFactory.Save(IContent content, SaveAction action, AccessLevel access)
at EPiServer.Core.Transfer.ContentTransfer.Save(IContent content, Dictionary`2 propertyStringLookup, AccessLevel requiredDestinationAccess, Boolean newpage)
at EPiServer.Core.Transfer.ContentTransfer.Import(RawContent rawContent, AccessLevel requiredDestinationAccess, Guid& importedPageGuid)
at EPiServer.Core.Transfer.ContentTransfer.Import(ITransferContentData content, AccessLevel requiredDestinationAccess)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportContents[T](XmlTextReader reader, ZipPackage package)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportStream(ZipPackage package, XmlTextReader reader)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportRaw(ZipPackage package)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.Import()
2016-11-30 10:22:29,630 [100] ERROR EPiServer.Enterprise.Transfer.ContentCopyHandler: Failed to copy pages with root '14059' to '36648'
Ok, so it seems there's a validation error related to the content with the complex reference "36661_143996". However, I can't seem to find any content with that reference.
Any ideas?