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Hi Khan, I think you can achive this bye following epi/shell/widget/Iframe.
There is example code however you can get ContentPreview node by using data-dojo-attach-point="previewContainer"
Hope this works
define([ 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo', 'epi/shell/widget/Iframe' ], function (declare, dojo, Iframe) { return declare([Iframe], { baseUrl: null, buildRendering: function () { this.inherited(arguments); }, onClick: function () { this.baseUrl = ""; this.updateView() }, updateView: function () { var tc = dojo.query('.epi-editorViewport-previewBox')[0]; this.load(this.baseUrl, null);, tc, 'only'); } }); });
I'm trying to load custom view in preview contennair/iFrame using above ContentPreview dojo digit. however can't get iFram.Load working. Getting Iframe as NULL.
Any Help?