Issue while installing Episerver.ContentCollaboration Addons


Hi Team,

I am facing the below issue while installing Episerver.ContentCollaboration. Please suggest on this.

Package 'EPiServer.Framework.9.12.3 : Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc [4.0.20710, 6.0.0), Newtonsoft.Json [6.0.8, 9.0.0), structuremap-signed [, 4.0.0), structuremap.web-signed [, 4.0.0)' does not exist in folder 'C:\Users\npalikil\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\ContentCollabrationSite\packages'
Install-Package : Error downloading 'EPiServer.Framework.9.12.3 : Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc [4.0.20710, 6.0.0), Newtonsoft.Json [6.0.8, 9.
0.0), structuremap-signed [, 4.0.0), structuremap.web-signed [, 4.0.0)' from '


Dec 27, 2016 10:36
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