Search Result score



i am interested how is search result score calculated?

When i search for "cat" i get two results with different scores one page has:

"There is a cat in the tree" score of this page is higher then the second that contains text :

"Head of Cattle North Region" - also how come cattle is found if i didn't use "cat*" ?

then if i use "cat*" as search query i get 4 results, this two + two additional results that all have the same score.

Also one of the pages i get for "cat*" and i don't get it for "cat" has this text:
i love cats

There is second cat here testint score for search"

and i would expect it to be returnd for both search queries but i guess this is due to indexing of the blocks that we have implemented.

So my question is how score works because from my tests i can't relly on it to give corect scores.



Dec 11, 2016 11:44
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