The database version is returned by the dbo.sp_DatabaseVersion stored proc.
Executed the Stored Procedue sp_DatabaseVersion did not got any response in the query window. However I could find the version of the database by reading the script for stored procedure. It did the trick for me.
Thanks David :)
Hi Amol,
As David said, you can execute sp_DatabaseVersion to get the database version:
declare @ver int exec @ver=sp_DatabaseVersion print @ver
Next, you can open packages/EPiServer.CMS.Core.X.X.X/tools/epiupdates/sql to find out which database version matches episerver assembly version.
For example:
db version 7036 is used for episerver.cms.core versions between 9.8.3 and 10.0.0, including 9.8.3.
episerver.cms.core 10.0.0 is using db version 7037, etc.
Hope this helps!
In my local environment ,I have dozens of databases and I have different version of same site 7,8 and 9. Unfortunately the naming convention is not helping me to find the correct database. I am expecting a simple sql query which I could run againt the database and find the database version compatible to the CMS versions. Basically finding the available database I could link to the various version of CMS site I have
Any pointer?