Working with contenttypes from admin-mode


Hi everyone, 

I have a request of a user for being able to create contenttypes without using code (by way of the Admin-mode).

I can make it work fine by using a defaultcontroller, and a simple view that writes properties in a general way, not in a typed way (["Body"].value)

All fine up to now, however, dropdowns created in this mode refuse to work. The dropdowns are displayed in edit-mode, but no predefined values are shown.

Any solutions for this?

I'm using Episerver 9.0.2

Thanks in advance

Feb 02, 2016 11:14

How are you storing the dropdown alternatives?

Feb 18, 2016 7:55

Well i store the dropdown alternatives in the settings of the field (Also found in admin-mode). It's an old way of filling dropdowns in Episerver. I just want to use them as an alternative to build pagetypes without using any sort of background developer.

Feb 18, 2016 9:54

Oh, OK. I read it as you were mimicing type creation in your MVC templates.

I guess there's something missing when there's no type that be reflected and have it's attribute decorations analyzed. In this case not knowing how to find the SelectionFactory thing to use.

I would file a bug.

Feb 18, 2016 10:07
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