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Reset Views



We have some strange problems with Assets/Resources in the later versions of EPiServer. Both 9.5.1 and 9.7.1. 

The two tabs Blocks and Media hera has the Media tab dissappeared. After a discussion with EPiServer Support there is a feature called Reset Views Under My Settings after clicking the button the Block|Media tabs are back.

The problem is that this seems to glitch alot in the newer versions and doesn't have anything with permisssion to do.

My question is is there some other sweet feature to reset the view for all users?

Mar 04, 2016 14:56

Does it disappear randomly or just after a restart, or a deploy where you either had the same or different version of your application and/or Episerver?

Mar 05, 2016 20:07

It happens randomly between users with same accessrights (systemdevelopers as Administrators or in this case also Editors). 

If you lost the tab it will not appear if applikation is restarted (iisreset or similair), the only way to get it back as I have seen so far is to click the reset views.

Mar 06, 2016 8:14
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.