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Getting issue on List Delayed publish job


Hi Team

I am getting exception in job "List delayed publish version"

The exception details is below.

2016-04-05 11:46:43,505 [40] ERROR EPiServer.DataAbstraction.ScheduledJob: 3.1.2 Failed to execute job 8de3f2b0-6e12-4716-a6f9-736f7e2f8944
System.ArgumentException: Must be of type PageData
Parameter name: value
at EPiServer.DataFactory.ListDelayedPublish()
at POSSIBLE.ProfiledContentRepository.ProfiledContentRepository.ListDelayedPublish()
at EPiServer.Util.DelayedPublishJob.Execute(IContentRepository contentRepository)

Please suggest.

Apr 05, 2016 11:56

even I'm getting this error. can anyone help please?


Apr 21, 2016 22:19
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