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Forms : multiple dropdowns in one control


I want to have multiple dropdowns within a form custom control.

The following will render one dropdownlist. But I want to add another 4 dropdowns in addition to the one below.
The property name 'Items' is obtained from SelectionElementBlockBase and can only be used once to render one dropdown.

How can I create another dropdown using the approach below. SelectionElementBlockBase seems to allow one dropdown only

Public class selectlistsblock : SelectionElementBlockBase
public override IEnumerable Items
var lst = new List();
var cats = GetCategories("department");
foreach (var cat in cats)
yield return new OptionItem { Caption = cat.LocalizedDescription, Value = cat.LocalizedDescription, Checked = false };


Jun 22, 2016 14:04

Why not add 4 elements for dropdowns into the same Form Container Block?

Could you otherwise give an example on your case what should have 4 dropdowns and why they need to be in one control?

Jun 22, 2016 21:25
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