Custom category selector


We have just upgraded a site from EPiServer version 7.1 to 9.x.

In the old version we had a custom category selector (where we hided some of the "category groups" depending on what page type we were editing).

We were using a custom EditorDescriptor for CategoryList that were pointing out custom js-files in the ClientResources folder.

The custom js-files were rewritten js-files that we found in the EPiServer installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\Application\UI\EPiServer\CMS\ClientResources\EPi\Cms\widget).

How is it supposed to be solved in EPiServer 9. The same way? Where do I find the js-files then?

Jul 06, 2016 13:38

Probably the same way. Start looking in 


for your js file. That's my best guess. 

Jul 06, 2016 15:05
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