No, no solution for it yet. Had a discussion about it with EPiServer support but couldn't get anything to work and the last thing I heard from them was "I've created a support case with our developers and hopefully they can give some input on the subject. I'll update when I have any new information."
If you run this by the EPiServer support you can reference ticket #40374 which was my ticket regarding this.
I have had a long unsatisfying conversation with episerver support (ticket #42064). Not able to get any useful information from them. They just keep referring to, where the episerver aspnetidentity is not even used :(
I will try to reference your ticket.
Hey, did you guys manage to resolve this? I'm facing a similar issue while trying use a custom UserManager.
I've managed to get the Episerver application use my custom UserManager (SiteUserManager : ApplicationUserManager<TUser>) by explicitly registering its factory callback for the AppBuilder:
app.CreatePerOwinContext(new Func<IdentityFactoryOptions<SiteUserManager>, IOwinContext, SiteUserManager>(SiteUserManager.Create));
I'm still calling AddCmsAspNetIdentity<SiteUser>() to ensure all the other UI* providers and managers also get created for Episerver to use and then later replace the existing instance of ApplicationUserManager within the context to use SiteUserManager instead.
Have implemented the EPiServer CMS UI AspNetIdentity authentication package described on this page:
What I'm trying to do is to change the validation settings for password and username that is set in the ApplicationUserManager in this package. However all my tries to do this have not worked (creating my own UserManager and use it either by setting it in the owin startup file or by trying to set it in the InitializationModule).
Does anyone have a clue how to set new parameters for the validators in the UserManager when using the EPiServer.CMS.UI.AspNetIdentity package?