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Dealing with inheritance and properties atributes in Episerver


Hi all,

I've one class called VideoWebControlBase where I have several properties, like: VideoIdentifier, Provider, etc. Example:

Name = @"Video Id",
GroupName = BlockGroupNames.WebControls,
Order = 20)]
public virtual string VideoIdentifier { get; set; }

Then I've have a another class called SectionVideoWebControl that extends the base class with new properties that are required.

My question is: There is a way to make the VideoIdentifier required (putting the attribute [Required]) in the SectionVideoWebControl class?

Than you

Aug 11, 2016 9:16

You should be able to override properties from inherited pages.


public class Page1 : PageData {
    Name = @"Video Id",
    GroupName = BlockGroupNames.WebControls,
    Order = 20)]
    public virtual string VideoIdentifier { get; set; }

public class Page2 : Page1 {
    [Required, Display(
    Name = @"Video Id",
    GroupName = BlockGroupNames.WebControls,
    Order = 20)]
    public override string VideoIdentifier { get; set; }

I'm unsure if you have to transfer all your attributes to "Page2" in this case.

Edited, Aug 11, 2016 10:20

Hi Kevin Candlert,

The problem is this properties are virtual.

Thank you

Aug 11, 2016 10:21

The virtual property on the base class shouldn't matter.

Seems to work for me on Episerver 9.10.2.

      DisplayName = "DummyPage",
      Description = "Dummy page for testing properties",
      GUID = "E03C5725-CE94-4C7C-92B7-15D51A8D7EE0",
      GroupName = "Default")]
    public class DummyPage : SitePageBase
        Name = "String textarea",
        Description = "String textarea dummy",
        GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content,
        Order = 5)]
        public virtual string Textarea { get; set; }

      DisplayName = "DummyPage2",
      Description = "Dummy page for testing properties",
      GUID = "FA29D538-17CF-493E-80C0-DCB9DECF1C12",
      GroupName = "Default")]
    public class Dummy2 : DummyPage
        public override string Textarea { get; set; }

The value is persistent in the epi edit mode. I haven't tried to render it to any page but I can't see why it shouldn't work! :P

Aug 11, 2016 10:33

Hi Kevin Candlert,

Thank you, I saw what was my problem ;). In fact, what i was doing wrong is overriding the virtual property with the "new" keyword. When the view is rendered, this property didn't have value

Edited, Aug 11, 2016 11:02
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