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You might get some help from this blog post:
Hello Radek
These are standard C# attributes so these posts may be of help:
Lovely guys, thank you.
I was doing it all wrong. Trying to get the attribute from page.Property (the property collection ).
Once again thanks alot
i am trying to get the attributes of my properties:
XXXPageBase : PageData
[Display(Name = "My Property 1", Description = "Property One", Order = 100, GroupName = Global.GroupNames.Specialized)]
public virtual string MyProp { get; set; }
And then on Published event:
public class CustomizedRenderingInitialization : IInitializableModule
private void Events_PublishingContent(object sender, ContentEventArgs e)
if (e.Content is XXXPageBase )
var page = e.Content as XXXPageBase ;
????How do i get the attribute of property: MyProp ????
I would like to get hold of the Description and UiHint value