Change master language of page and blocks



I have swedish website and we are creating Finland website. We want the same strcuture for both of the websites. So, I imported the pages from Swedish to Finland site. I am using Language Manager tool for replacing content from Svenska to Finnish. But the problem is all the pages and blocks imported shows master language as Svenska. We dont have Svenska language in Finnish website.

How can I change master language for page and blocks for those imported pages.

Best Regards,

Sanket Mahimkar

Sep 12, 2016 17:11


Just to make things clear. Did you create a new website, i.e. a new start page node? Or did you translate the swedish website to finish? If it's the latter, then everything is as it should be. Master language is just the language that the content was first created in. So you can have multiple master languages throughout your website depending on how you create the pages. E.g. some conten might just be available in finish, then the master language is finish for that content.

Or is there another reason you want to change the master language on some content?

One should not really care what the master language is, the only special thing about the master language is that properties that are not culture specific are only editable on this language.

Sep 12, 2016 19:56

You can't just remove the swedish language branch on every content, since the values for properties that are not culture specific are stored on this language branch.

Is this a multisite setup, or a seperate database? If it's seperate database then it's easy to just change what ID the language have. E.g. if swedish has ID 3 in tblLanguageBranch and all content is created in swedish, then you just change the languageID to fi-FI for the row with pkId 3. But this might not be doable now since you've started to translate content into finish as well.

Is there a reason you have set this up as a seperate webiste, if that's now the case? Usually one just translates the same website.

Edited, Sep 12, 2016 20:07

In EPiServer 6 times, I used to rename the package to zip, open the xml file in notepad++, and replace all the languages with the desired ones. Once changed, save the file, rename it back to episerverdata and do the import and it used to work. I am not sure which version of EPiServe you are in? and if it will still work with that version but worth a try :)

Sep 12, 2016 22:54


First for all thanks for the reply. :)

I am using EPiServer CMS ver. 9.12 hosted on Azure cloud.

We already have Swedish website created with content and are creating new Finnish website on separate database. As the block and pages structure is kind of similar along with images we decided to export Swedish pages and import those in Finnish site. I created start page manually so that website will be created Finnish as master language and then imported the pages and content. I have only Finnish language enabled in the site. Now when I started tarnslating the blocks by using Language Manager I got to know that pages and blocks still showing Swedish as master language.

Will it be a problem in future having Svenska as master language? How can I change master language of imported pages and blocks from Svenska to Finnish?

I hope I am clear with your queires, awaiting you reply.

Best Regards,

Sanket Mahimkar

Sep 13, 2016 9:59

Since it's a seperate database I would just switch languageID from 'sv' to 'fi-FI' in tblLanguageBranch, then Finish will be the master language (but in Swedish obviously). Or as Tahir mentioned, open up the translation package and change the language and then import them. But since you have already imported them I would just switch the language in the database. You might have to delete the already translated content though, since that's in Finish now and you will probably get a constraint error when trying to switch language in the database then.

There's no problem having another master language, but editors need to switch to that language to change properties that are not translateable, which is not maybe so nice.

Sep 13, 2016 10:09


I tried to make chaanges in exported file.

I saw blob and handle data folder. and following xml files.







These files had "en-US" in culture part (My site from which I exported is Swedish website.). I changed culture to "fi" for finland site and tried importing, but it gave me error "Specified part does not exist in the package".

Am I doing any mistake.


Sanket Mahimkar

Sep 16, 2016 12:01
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