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Map for NuGet assemblies to Database Version


One of our EpiServer sites displays the following error when we launch it from localhost:

The assemblies has not been updated to work with the current database version. Current database version is '7021.0', but the assemblies only supports '7016.0'.

In our scenario, the database was updated by another developer. But the assembly changes did not get checked in.  So the problem that I'm encountering now is the need to acquire the assemblies from NuGet which MATCH the database version 7021.0.  I've been looking at the installation instructions from this page.

Is there a list that maps the database versions to the NuGet package version, so that I can install the correct version which matches the database?  If so, where is that?  Does the version show up under the Releases documentation?

If there is no such list, is there some database field that I can look at which will tell me the matching version which maps to the database?  Thanks for your help.

Sep 13, 2016 21:47


I don't think that such a list is maintained at the moment, but fortunately there is a pretty easy way to find out.

If you look in the EPiServer.CMS.Core nuget package (or under the packages folder) and navigate to /tools/epiupdates/sql/ you will find a set of SQL files who's name matches the assembly version. If you look in those files you should be able to work out the database version, either through the version check at the top (can be slighly confusing) or through the update of the version SP at the bottom.

The database version should get a new version for each file, so after opening one you should be able to count your way to the one you are looking for. :)

You should find that 7021 is matching 8.10.0 and 7016 matches 8.0.0.


Edited, Sep 14, 2016 3:06

That worked like a champ Henrik!  I executed the following in the NuGet console.

Update-Package EPiServer.CMS -Version 8.10.0

Thanks for your help.

Sep 14, 2016 15:14
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