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Custom culture in Episerver DXC


I have a project where the master branch has been created using a custom culture. The customer wants me to investigate the possibility to host the project on Episerver DXC. I have tried to make it run on an Azure app service but I get "Culture is not supported" error. 

I came so far to two possible solutions:

1) add the custom culture to the environment where the project will be run. Unfortunately all solutions I can find on internet apply to the old Cloud Service and not the App Service which I run (I have no access to the old Azure portal);

2) change the culture of the master branch to some standard. Is there any easy way to do this? So I far I have tried to create a branch on a culture which I know will not be used in future (the customer has no market in that country and does not plan to establish one) and copy and paste the master branch into the newly created. But I get some errors about some assets missing.

Edited, Jan 09, 2017 9:13
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