Epi Form File Uploads with WebHooks


We are sending the form submissions from Epi (using Web Hooks and turning OFF Store Form Submissions) to an internal Web API for compliance reasons. We are not allowed to keep data in the outside systems (Epi website being one of them).

When a form has a document to be uploaded, we are able to see a byte array come back from the browser to Epi itself, but when we watch the traffic going to the forms API we built, all the form data EXCEPT the file uploads are showing up. Does anyone have any insight into why we may be losing the file being uploaded? Do we have to force anything to make sure the data gets sent across?

In case it helps, we are seeing no file data in either the database or the blob folder, so it’s almost like the file being uploaded just gets dropped somewhere in the pipeline. We have also attempted to tap into the FormsSubmissionFinalized event, but only see the field data but no file data.

Thanks in advance!

Mar 09, 2017 15:24
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