EPiServer MVC site upgraded to 10, but EPiServer forms 4.4.2 views not working.



I'm trying to get EPiServer.Forms v4.4.2. working with my EPiServer MVC site - which was previously of version EpiServer 9. To be able to use Forms v4.4.2 my sites needs to be upgraded to EPiServer 10. I was able to make nescessary changes to site's codebase and got my site up and running with EPiServer 10 with newest stable nuget packages. Everything else seems to work, but not EpiServer.Forms v4.4.2. I can create forms in Edit mode but when I publish it I get error from page's view saying:

{"c:\\[path to my site in C: drive]\\Views\\Shared\\ElementBlocks\\ChoiceElementBlock.ascx(15): error CS1061: 'EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Elements.ChoiceElementBlock' does not contain a definition for 'GetValidationCssClasses' and no extension method 'GetValidationCssClasses' accepting a first argument of type 'EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Elements.ChoiceElementBlock' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"}

(and error messages with same type information occur with all formelements I try to use in my form)

- I did a clean install with EPiServer 10 Alloy MVC sample site and Forms v4.4.2 and it worked out-of-the box.
So based on example site, my problem seems to be differences with my codebase that prevents EPiServer forms view from working properly? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mar 09, 2017 8:48
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