Multi-site and simple address behaviour for pages outside of a site start page


Has anyone ever come across this behaviour before and whether you think this is expected or a bug?


  • Multi-site (3 sites) Episerver setup running in the same IIS app pool
  • Single language across all sites
  • Episerver version 10.8
  • All sites have separate domains, and one site is configured with a wildcard host entry (as is necessary for Episerver Find to index the shared content)
  • Content structure has a shared folder of content that can be used on any of the three sites. We have built our own partial router / access control to decide if a piece of shared content is available on each of the sites. 

The issue we've come across is when using Simple addresses. We've found that simple addresses for the shared content are only resolved for the website configured with the wildcard binding.

ie - resolves as expected to the content with the short url 'simple', which lives outside of any configured - returns a 404

I can switch this behaviour around by changing which site has the wildcard host mapping. Whichever site has the wildcard mapping will resove the simple urls.

Expected behaviour

I'd expect the simple address to be honoured for any site for any content that lives outside of a configured startpage, ie for to both resolve to the same content, regardless of how the wildcard entry is mapped.

Is this a bug? 

May 23, 2017 13:59

I think simple address routing should work for all hosts when content is not specific to any site. I have reported a bug for this, thanks for sharing.

May 24, 2017 11:03

Thanks Johan (glad you agree!). Any chance you can let me know the bug number, so I can track its progress.

May 24, 2017 11:32

The issue is reprted as CMS-7598 (it is still in triage though)

May 24, 2017 11:34
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