Not sure what you are asking? Of course multiple persons can browse the same url? Could you please tell us a bit more about the problem that you have? What kind of installation/setup do you have? The url has to be public for anyone to browse the website?
we have three members of team, we all are browse the same EPIProject at time but only one person can able to browse the site, remaining two persons are unable to acces the site and this two persons get notification from IIS like "Port '71528' is already being used by process IISExpress"
Alright. I am guessing you are starting the project from within visual studio. When you start a new project you will get a port allocated that is free on you computer. I sugest you in properties view of the csproj-file change the port to another available port. Make sure you change the port/adress in the admin interface of episerver as well for the site instance.
I created one EPIServer project and then in UI side in admin module in 'addsite' option i aded this site url and startpage. Then multiple persons con not browse this same url at a time. So is their any posibility to browse same url by multiple persons.
Ramkee Gurrala.