Script error on auto save - CMS 9.10.2



On one of our sites a specific pagetype hangs (script error) when writing / editing in a TinyMCE editor. It seems to occur on auto save but sometimes the customer express that when they publish the content no data were saved at all and they had to redo it.

The pagetype that are affected by this issue have no "special" logic, a simple newspage and it seems like this particular pagetype is the only one affected.

The customer are experiencing this issue on all browsers from time to time (more IE than Chrome etc.) but we can't reproduce the error on our machines, hence no use trying to debug with unminified client-scripts.

We have tried to poke here and there in the code but without positive results.

Trying to reach out to see if someone else have experienced this issue and what the solution were, or if anyone got any tips to tackle this.

Thankful for any help in the matter.



May 12, 2017 10:11
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