am really firstrate with this,am creating Login page type,controller and views
Login Page type(Login.cs):-
namespace BlogCreation.Models.Pages { [ContentType(DisplayName = "Login", GUID = "b0e4e33f-ffd2-4491-b22e-92f5949879c0", Description = "")] public class Login : PageData {
[CultureSpecific] [Display( Name = "blog heading", Description = "", GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content, Order = 3)] public virtual string blogheading { get; set; }
LoginController(with two action methods):-
public class LoginController : PageController {
public ActionResult Index(Login currentPage) {
return View(currentPage); }
public ActionResult Submit(Login page) { Return view(page) }
Now i want to display the blogheading property in Index.cshtml and Submit.cshtml also, but its displayed in Index.cshtml only,below the UI Code.
@model BlogCreation.Models.Pages.Login
@{ Layout = null; }
@model BlogCreation.Models.Pages.Login
@{ Layout = null; }
In index view the blogheading displayed properly, but in submit view its not displaying. am unable to find where i did mistake,can anyone helpe me out of this
Hi Guys,
am really firstrate with this,am creating Login page type,controller and views
Login Page type(Login.cs):-
namespace BlogCreation.Models.Pages
[ContentType(DisplayName = "Login", GUID = "b0e4e33f-ffd2-4491-b22e-92f5949879c0", Description = "")]
public class Login : PageData
Name = "blog heading",
Description = "",
GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content,
Order = 3)]
public virtual string blogheading { get; set; }
LoginController(with two action methods):-
public class LoginController : PageController
public ActionResult Index(Login currentPage)
return View(currentPage);
public ActionResult Submit(Login page)
Return view(page)
Now i want to display the blogheading property in Index.cshtml and Submit.cshtml also, but its displayed in Index.cshtml only,below the UI Code.
@model BlogCreation.Models.Pages.Login
Layout = null;
@model BlogCreation.Models.Pages.Login
Layout = null;
In index view the blogheading displayed properly, but in submit view its not displaying. am unable to find where i did mistake,can anyone helpe me out of this