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Custom Content Provider Not Searchable


Hi there,

Following the tutorial here we are trying to implement a custom ContentProvider. Posted this as a question on the tutorial page but thought to make a new post as well:

The issue is we can't get the ContentProviderResult using DataFactory.FindPagesWithCriteria.


ContentRepository.GetChildren<>Attendee>(page.PageLink); -> works ('page' is the container ContentPage mentioned earlier)

PropertyCriteriaCollection crits = new PropertyCriteriaCollection();
       PropertyCriteria crit = new PropertyCriteria();
       crit.Name = "EPI:MultipleSearch";
       crit.Value = "attendees";
DataFactory.Instance.FindPagesWithCriteria(page.PageLink, crits); -> won't work

Also tried crit.Value = "*"

In the initialization module did


Any idea why using GetChildren of ContentRepository works but not FindPagesWithCriteria....?

Also.... a second question: the pages returned by the ContentProvider get displayed in the tree structure in CMS but when clicking show 'All Properties' it will load forever...
any idea why?

The reason why we are trying to implement the ContentProvider is because we have entities from an external Database that we want to route to an Episerver ContentPage and trying a partial router didn't work
because our entities don't inherit from IContent. That's why we're trying to implement the custom ContentProvider: to bring the entities from the external DB as Episerver pages which
we will route.

Any help wolud be appreciated, Thanks!!!!
Jul 12, 2017 11:55
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