Leverage browser caching in Episerver for CMS admin images or site assets



I am checking my website performance speed at Google PageSpeed Insights

I am referring below url , and with the help of this I am able to cache my static images


but how can I cache image that are uploaded from CMS (that is siteassets).

Currently In my web.config file I have set



Aug 03, 2017 13:18

I recall reading that the staticFile-element might need to be put inside some <location>-elements as well.

When you set far future times it might be smart to add https://github.com/bjuris/EPiServer.CdnSupport to your site also to add some uniqueness to the media URLs.

Aug 29, 2017 21:45

For anyone who has come accross this and is struggling to get any of the globalassets cached, I used the following code:

public class MediaHandler : BlobHttpHandler, IRenderTemplate<MediaData>
protected override Blob GetBlob(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var binary = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRouteHelper>().Content as IBinaryStorable;
return binary?.BinaryData;

I then found that the E-Tag and the Expires headers were correctly set on the blobs, and PageSpeed was happy enough with it. 

Apr 20, 2018 10:47
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