It seems that the only solution that we've found is via SiteDefinitionRepository. You will not get the Current SiteDefininiton but all possible values.
var siteDefinitionRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<SiteDefinitionRepository>(); var siteDefinitions = siteDefinitionRepository.List().ToList();
We are trying to acces `SiteDefinition.Current` at the time of `AfterInstall`. What we need is `SiteUrl` and `Id` but it seems that at the time of this event they are not available.
How can we postpone the calling of `AfterInstall` or otherwise, could we attach an event listener in `AfterInstall` that can later in the pipeline provide us the data?
From what I can see in the documentation and from here (enumerating the order of the execution of dependencies), decorating the class like the following should have EPiServer.Web initialized, and by extent, SiteDefinition.Current.
I first add the following attributes to the class with no results.
Adding a event handler to the InitComplete still doesn't get the values: