This is an old criterion no longer in our codebase, I can see there are still entires in the tblBigTable referencing this old Criterion and the only variable really in use is Boolean01 which is set to 1. By setting this field to 0 our error goes away, setting an in use Criterion to 0 has no effect and they function in the same way.
Can someone confirm what this Boolean01 field does on a VisitorGroupCriterion DDS record?
We have been getting an error in our Episerver 10 site upon startup:
'System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type'
While trying to create the criterion
'EPiServer.Personalization.VisitorGroups.VisitorGroupRole.CreateCriterion(VisitorGroupCriterion visitorGroupCriterion)'
This is an old criterion no longer in our codebase, I can see there are still entires in the tblBigTable referencing this old Criterion and the only variable really in use is Boolean01 which is set to 1. By setting this field to 0 our error goes away, setting an in use Criterion to 0 has no effect and they function in the same way.
Can someone confirm what this Boolean01 field does on a VisitorGroupCriterion DDS record?