November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
Got this from Epi-Support:
create a module.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <module> <clientModule initializer="forceUseCustomMedia/Initializer"> <moduleDependencies> <add dependency="CMS" type="RunAfter" /> </moduleDependencies> </clientModule> <dojo> <paths> <add name="forceUseCustomMedia" path="scripts" /> </paths> </dojo> </module>
Create a module that concatenates the roots of the media and the content-provider contentrepositorydescriptors
define([ "dojo", "dojo/_base/declare", "epi/_Module" ], function ( dojo, declare, _Module ) { return declare([_Module], { initialize: function () { this.inherited(arguments); require([ "epi/dependency" ], function ( dependency, ) { contentRepositoryDescriptors = dependency.resolve("epi.cms.contentRepositoryDescriptors"); var mediaRepositoryDescriptors = contentRepositoryDescriptors["media"]; var customMediaRepositoryDescriptors = contentRepositoryDescriptors["mycontentprovider"]; mediaRepositoryDescriptors.roots = mediaRepositoryDescriptors.roots.concat(customMediaRepositoryDescriptors.roots); }); } }); });
I am working on a content provider, drag and drop content from the asset panel to the TinyMce text-editor works. When opening the "input/ edit menu" and browsing for image url, the content provider does not appear. Is this something that has to do with configuration in the ui or do i have to extend the TinyMce? /Johan