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Edit mode blank


Hello, since a couple of days the out edit mode is blank. Admin works fine and the site istelf works fine. We have not deployed a new version in the last month. Everything works fine in our test and development enviorment.

The client complains about a dojo.js error.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <>
widgets.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ok' of undefined
at widgets.js:2
at _c8 (dojo.js:15)
at _36 (dojo.js:15)
at _36 (dojo.js:15)
at _36 (dojo.js:15)
at _36 (dojo.js:15)
at _36 (dojo.js:15)
at _36 (dojo.js:15)
at dojo.js:15
at _37 (dojo.js:15)
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
_c8 @ dojo.js:15
_36 @ dojo.js:15
_36 @ dojo.js:15
_36 @ dojo.js:15
_36 @ dojo.js:15
_36 @ dojo.js:15
_36 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_37 @ dojo.js:15
_7c @ dojo.js:15
_f0 @ dojo.js:15
_10a @ dojo.js:15
9VM843 global:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <>

Jan 15, 2018 13:13

Anything that could possible inject into all javascript requests? Like license error or monitoring module?

Jan 15, 2018 13:28

The license is ok and we don't have any modules/plugins installed except the standard episerver ones. 

Jan 15, 2018 14:50

Jan 15, 2018 14:56

Do you have Web Accessibility Checker VS extension installed? Try disabling it.

Jan 15, 2018 19:38

The problem is in production. No VS installed there and I don't have any problems in development.

Jan 15, 2018 20:28

Sometimes restarting IIS helps.

Jan 15, 2018 21:37

Restared the site and app pool. That did not help. Can try with a complete IIS restart.

Jan 15, 2018 21:44

I would suggest installing EPiServer.CMS.UI.Sources from nuget and add

<clientResources debug="true" />

inside the <episerver.framework> node in web.config

That way you will get uncompressed files and hopefully you will see something with a little more meaning after a deploy to production


Edited, Jan 15, 2018 22:14

Found it. 

We have multiple languages installed on the site and some scripts was calling the shell with the language in the url ie ".../Shell/".

Since this language was not in use anymore we made a rewrite rule on it to go to another language. This works fine on the site itself since yhe js files there does not have any culture in the source url. But this messed up the edit mode. 

Thanks for your help.

Jan 15, 2018 22:18
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