Hi, Kartheek,
If I understand correctly, you would like to save forms data to a different table than how this is saved by default?
If you want to insert data in addition to how it's already stored, you can do that using a Submission Actor, see Dejan's blogpost.
If you want to change the way data is saved, I haven't tried this, but it looks like a way forward would be to change the defaultProvider for a storage in Forms.config file and create one on your own that implements ISubmissionStorage.
I haven't tried changing the storage defaultProvider, the first proposal would be easier since you have examples. But the second does sound like a fun thing to try!
Hi Guys,
I created two forms i.e: Registration and contactus forms,Both forms data saved in tblBigtable.Now i want to insert the data in separate tables using EPIServer button element.If any one know about the this requirement help me.