I want to use Boostrap table in an Episerver plugin (separate view).
If I add the following sample to a plain .aspx file (outside EPiserver) everything works as expected.
If I add the same code to an Episerver plugin I get the following console error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
at init.data (ShellCore.js:1)
at HTMLTableElement. (bootstrap-table.min.js:8)
at Function.each (ShellCore.js:1)
at init.each (ShellCore.js:1)
at init.a.fn.bootstrapTable (bootstrap-table.min.js:8)
at HTMLDocument. (CustomUserAdminTool:137)
at Function. (ShellCore.js:2)
at Function.each (ShellCore.js:1)
at Function.ready (ShellCore.js:2)
at HTMLDocument. (ShellCore.js:1)
The edit plugin loads the following Episerver components in head:
I want to use Boostrap table in an Episerver plugin (separate view).
If I add the following sample to a plain .aspx file (outside EPiserver) everything works as expected.
If I add the same code to an Episerver plugin I get the following console error:
The edit plugin loads the following Episerver components in head:
Any advice on how to get past this issue?