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Hi what is your requirement? They may be other approaches which can solve your need, for example you could consider using a content event to hook onto the ContentLoading event.
We have this:
[VisitorGroupCriterion(Category = "Member", DisplayName = "Member role", Description = "")] public class UserRoleCriterion : CriterionBase<UserRoleModel> { public override bool IsMatch(IPrincipal principal, HttpContextBase httpContext) { if (httpContext?.Session == null) return httpContext.Handler is ContentMediaHttpHandler; if (SessionHelper.Current == null) return false; var userRoles = SessionHelper.Current.UserRoles; return userRoles != null && userRoles.Any() && userRoles.Any(r => r.Name == Model.Condition); } } public class UserRoleModel : CriterionModelBase { [Required, DojoWidget(SelectionFactoryType = typeof(RolesSelectionFactory))] public string Condition { get; set; } public override ICriterionModel Copy() { return ShallowCopy(); } }
But when loading files the contex is ContentMediaHttpHandler, and it has no session.
If only I can override the handler with my own, it will work. I works fine with IRenderTemplate<IContentImage> but not with IRenderTemplate<IContentMedia>
Is your specific requirement to vary the viewing of an image depending on whether someone is in a role or not?
The requirement is to restrict pages, media files (images and documents) to VisitorGroups, and check our role session.
If only IRenderTemplate<IContentMedia> would work...
My solution to change ContentMediaHttpHandler to custom handler:
[ModuleDependency(typeof(EPiServer.Web.InitializationModule))] public class HandlerInitialization : IInitializableModule { public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context) { context.Locate.TemplateResolver().TemplateResolved += TemplateCoordinator.OnHandlerTemplateResolved; } public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context) { ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<TemplateResolver>().TemplateResolved -= TemplateCoordinator.OnHandlerTemplateResolved; } public void Preload(string[] parameters) { } }
Change Template:
public class TemplateCoordinator { public static void OnHandlerTemplateResolved(object sender, TemplateResolverEventArgs args) { if (args.SelectedTemplate == null || args.SelectedTemplate.TemplateType != typeof(ContentMediaHttpHandler)) return; var mediaHandler = args.SupportedTemplates .SingleOrDefault(r => r.Name.Contains("CustomContentMediaHttpHandler") && r.TemplateTypeCategory == args.SelectedTemplate.TemplateTypeCategory); if (mediaHandler != null) args.SelectedTemplate = mediaHandler; } }
I have a custom ContentMediaHttpHandler:
I need to extend it with IRequiredSessionState to check a saved session in a CriterionBase<>. >
But my handler doesnt run, only standard ContentMediaHttpHandler is running.
If I change to IRenderTemplate it will work for images, but not documents.
What is the problem?