Hi Valdis,
Thanks for your suggestion. I am now trying out HtmlAgilityPack for this, and rewriting the Xhtml string contents seems to work quite well. I do see weird behaviour though when newing up a new XhtmlString with the modified XHTML as string; some element may just disappear after having loaded the string into a XhtmlString, like a empty <div> element? Any idea what could be causing this?
TinyMCE might sometimes try to "fix" the text's html.
Are you using the old or new version of Tiny?
I am changing the XhtmlString property data in code; I assume TinyMCE only applies any changes when working through the GUI?
I just visited `HtmlStreamReader` type (which seems to be closely related to the question asked). I don't want to re-visit that type anymore anytime soon ;) So, sorry. I might need to digest code I saw and try to look for your answer later..
I am trying to load the contents of an XhtmlString property in a XDocument so I can filter/change certain HTML elements, like changing a script into a div with some data-attributes. I would rather do the filtering this way than use RegExps for it.
I noticed that the XhtmlString contains non-closed elements, ie:
Ofcourse I could preprocess the string before loading it into a XDocument for processing, but find that an ugly solution. I wonder if there is some way in Epi that I can make sure that the XhtmlString is indeed valid XML without the need to preprocess it?