Changing Name in URL does not reflect links


In the Episerver CMS: changing "Name in URL" after the page has been published and linked to doesn't seem to work. Links still use the old URL. Even after remove/add.

Previous links refer to the old url which doesn't exist anymore, but the new url however does work.

What gives? I'm on Episerver.Cms.AspNet

May 03, 2018 16:04

Hi Peter, I tested this with Alloy with the EPiServer.CMS NuGet package version 11.5.4 (so EPiServer.CMS.AspNet is also 11.5.4) and couldn't reproduce.

I created two pages, page-a and page-b. Then I create a link in tinymce from page-b to page-a. I also added the Button block so there is a content reference property to page-a. Then I changed the address of page-a to page-a-modified. The link in TinyMCE editor content on page-b was correctly updated and so was the content reference based link in the Button block.

Are you using any add-ons to track page URL changes and then to automatically create a redirect from old address to the new address? How are you creating these links that don't work? In the TinyMce editor (which version 1.x or 2.x)? Using a content reference property? Something else?

May 03, 2018 19:30

How are you linking the page and in the view how are you rendering the link?

May 03, 2018 23:38

Hi all thanks for the interest in helping.

I'm not using addons.

Creating links:
On a page I have a block which is rendered in its Xhtml MainBody property (dragged).

This block has a property: EPiServer.Url DetailsUrl, in EPiServer/Cms I click "Create Link" and choose the page.

In the View.cshtml I'm rendering it like so:

<a href="@Model.Current.DetailsUrl">@Model.Current.ChangeContactsText</a>

Where Current is the block type which is populated in the controller Index from the currentPage parameter.

EPiServer.Cms.TinyMce version

When hovering the link in the browser, the link says

<a href="/link/a2ef561e1b324b668dbcb3fd6a5c12dd.aspx">Ret kontakter</a>

When clicking the link I am referred to the old Url which is now gone, so I get HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found. I did reload the page.

Changing the url back to the original in EPiServer/Cms makes the page link work again.

I did try re-adding the link after URL change in the "Create Link" page.

May 04, 2018 8:46

Hi Peter, you should be using the @Url.ContentUrl(Model.Current.DetailsUrl) to render the friendly url of the page.

May 04, 2018 8:56

Hi Antti that works!


A bit odd the old link is referred to when not using @Url.ContentUrl. Seems like the original url has some special meaning.

May 04, 2018 9:03

In your case since you did not use @Url.ContentUrl but wrote out the value directly the link will be the in internal permanent guidbased format. There is a special route that handles those permanent links but that route will do a permanent redirect to the FURL. So in your case you had probably visited that page before and therefore had the browser cached the redirection (which was with the old segment)

May 04, 2018 9:16
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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