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Now that is not a common error.
I would recommend to use ADPlus and configure it to take a Dump when that exception is thrown. Then from the dump it is possible to see the stacktraces for the different threads in the process. From that it might be possible to figure out what is causing the starvation of connections.
Found the cause of the error. Due to removing some properties on the PageModel in question, which had data in the database, there was a memory model vs database model mismatch, and therefor for each save with the ContentRepository they tried to sync up and cause the usual "deleting this field would delete data and therefor we aren't doing that", entering admin mode for the site and removing the missing properties so that these fields got removed from the database fixed the issue and the integration is back to working smoothly.
Thx Johan for the tip about ADPlus that realy help in figuring out why the connections didnt close quickly, it seems the attempt to sync is a bit slower then a normal save/update which cause the connections to stay open alot longer then anticipated which cause the inital crash.
For one of our customers we have developed a rather heavy scheduled jobs that imports pages and updates previously imported pages from an external system. During this we have discovered that ContentRepository is posibly leaking connections and therefor we get a timeout error in the scheduled job. Is this something well known?
As for runtimes the job has been avaraging around 20-25min. but during the last week its been running for about 8-10 min before we get the following error message:
The data for the integration is not in the episerver database, and as i dont get any EF errors i assume the problem is internal in episerver. The job runs every night outside of peak hours and is only ran on 1 out of 2 servers.
Where the call to comes from varies from day to day, the error is allways the same.
I believe it can be solved by setting the max thread pool on the connectionstring higher then the default 100, but i am wondering if this is a good solution, and if there is a connection leak inside the ContentRepository?