Not able to open files from media library


We have our site developed in episerver cms where we are storing documents in episervers media library. We have setup "XYZ"  as a physical path in episerver.config file and on website we have added one pdf file with "PQR" path which is then generated with different name in "XYZ" path. But while opening file on website it is searching by  path & showing not found error. I am not able to understand the logic of media library on episerver, Why it is generates file with different name? Can anyone please help me out of this?

Below is the episerver.config file path 

type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathVersioningProvider,EPiServer" indexingServiceCatalog="Web" physicalPath="D:\Projects\production\nus-website\VPP\Global" />

Below is the path on episerver's media library 


Edited, Jul 16, 2018 15:08

Which Episerver version are you running?

Jul 17, 2018 22:51
 Hi Johan Kronberg thanks for reply, We are using EPiSERVER CMS v6.
Jul 18, 2018 7:22
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