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Resources from one site appearing on another (syssiteassets)


Hi All,

We're running v11.4 in DXC and have a multi site setup. We have 'resource' blocks in a folder which is specifically for Site A and a page type which pulls a list of the resources from that folder. and it's the same setup for site B. The resource page should only pull resources for its own site. However in site B resource from both site A and B are showing up and the ones from site A are linking to

Has anyone come across this before? I don't really know what the syssiteassets folder is and couldn't find much enlightening information before making this post.

Any ideas how to troubleshoot and fix?

thanks in advance,


Jul 19, 2018 17:33

Hello Alex

When you mention "pulls a list" I assume this is code. Can you post the code?

The syssiteassets folder is where all blocks that are marked as "For this site" live. I suspect the code that generates the list isn't filtering correctly for each site.


Edited, Jul 19, 2018 18:03

Hi David,

thanks for your reply. The page controller code is as follows:

public class ResourcesPageController : PageController<ResourcesPage>
        public ActionResult Index(ResourcesPage currentPage)

            var results = new List<SearchResultViewModel>();

            var categories = new List<int>();

                results = ResourcesHelper.GetAll(categories);
            catch (System.Exception)


            var vm = new ResourcesPageViewModel(currentPage)
                Categories = new List<CategoryViewModel>(),
                Resources = results


            var cats = new List<CategoryViewModel>();

            foreach (var item in currentPage.TypesCategoryRoot ?? new CategoryList())
                var cat = CategoryHelper.CreateCategoryViewModel(item);


            vm.Categories = cats.ToList();

            return View(vm);

        public JsonResult Search(SearchCriteria criteria)

            var catList = criteria.Categories ?? new List<int>();

            var results = new List<SearchResultViewModel>();

                results = ResourcesHelper.Search(criteria.SearchTerm, catList, criteria.SortBy);
            catch (System.Exception e)

                throw new System.Exception(e.ToString());

            return Json(results);


Presumably the key to the answer here is in that foreach loop where currentPage.TypesCategoryRoot isn't doing what I think it should be doing. Can you see anything?



Jul 20, 2018 9:18

Update to shut this thread down.

I can't speak of the correctness of the code we're running, but it works most of the time. However I did manage to remove the resources which were appearing in our second site through the CMS. 

In Admin > Tools > Manage Content, i located the hidden resources. after removing one of them the resources still appeared on site B, but instead of coming from sysassests they were now linking to the trash. So I looked at the trash, lots of things had appeared in there, cleared the trash and the resources were now gone.


Jul 26, 2018 9:04
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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