Hello Alex
When you mention "pulls a list" I assume this is code. Can you post the code?
The syssiteassets folder is where all blocks that are marked as "For this site" live. I suspect the code that generates the list isn't filtering correctly for each site.
Hi David,
thanks for your reply. The page controller code is as follows:
public class ResourcesPageController : PageController<ResourcesPage> { public ActionResult Index(ResourcesPage currentPage) { var results = new List<SearchResultViewModel>(); var categories = new List<int>(); try { results = ResourcesHelper.GetAll(categories); } catch (System.Exception) { throw; } var vm = new ResourcesPageViewModel(currentPage) { Categories = new List<CategoryViewModel>(), Resources = results }; var cats = new List<CategoryViewModel>(); foreach (var item in currentPage.TypesCategoryRoot ?? new CategoryList()) { var cat = CategoryHelper.CreateCategoryViewModel(item); cats.Add(cat); } vm.Categories = cats.ToList(); return View(vm); } [HttpPost] public JsonResult Search(SearchCriteria criteria) { var catList = criteria.Categories ?? new List<int>(); var results = new List<SearchResultViewModel>(); try { results = ResourcesHelper.Search(criteria.SearchTerm, catList, criteria.SortBy); } catch (System.Exception e) { throw new System.Exception(e.ToString()); } return Json(results); } }
Presumably the key to the answer here is in that foreach loop where currentPage.TypesCategoryRoot isn't doing what I think it should be doing. Can you see anything?
Update to shut this thread down.
I can't speak of the correctness of the code we're running, but it works most of the time. However I did manage to remove the resources which were appearing in our second site through the CMS.
In Admin > Tools > Manage Content, i located the hidden resources. after removing one of them the resources still appeared on site B, but instead of coming from sysassests they were now linking to the trash. So I looked at the trash, lots of things had appeared in there, cleared the trash and the resources were now gone.
Hi All,
We're running v11.4 in DXC and have a multi site setup. We have 'resource' blocks in a folder which is specifically for Site A and a page type which pulls a list of the resources from that folder. and it's the same setup for site B. The resource page should only pull resources for its own site. However in site B resource from both site A and B are showing up and the ones from site A are linking to www.siteA.com/SysSiteAssets....
Has anyone come across this before? I don't really know what the syssiteassets folder is and couldn't find much enlightening information before making this post.
Any ideas how to troubleshoot and fix?
thanks in advance,