I'm getting image upload failed message (Content type "ImageFile" is not allowed to be created under parent of content type "BannerBlock".
For my home page, I have added a banner block. In banner block, I have an image property. Sharing the code:
public class BannerBlock : SiteBlockData { [Display( GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content, Order = 1 )] [CultureSpecific] [UIHint(UIHint.Image)] public virtual ContentReference Image { get; set; }
I have referred the documentation and EpiAlloy project to create all relevant models\controllers\viewmodels\rendering etc. for my blank project. But still not able to upload the file in the block.
Could someone please guide what could be the reason?
I'm getting image upload failed message (Content type "ImageFile" is not allowed to be created under parent of content type "BannerBlock".
For my home page, I have added a banner block. In banner block, I have an image property. Sharing the code:
public class BannerBlock : SiteBlockData
GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content,
Order = 1
public virtual ContentReference Image { get; set; }
I have referred the documentation and EpiAlloy project to create all relevant models\controllers\viewmodels\rendering etc. for my blank project. But still not able to upload the file in the block.
Could someone please guide what could be the reason?