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Good evening George,
You shouldn't need to enter a path for blobs in appData basepath. that is for local storage only. As for azure storage, we use it for vm's laas as well as paas. Both work just fine. So the permissions for the blobs container is private. The access key should be all you need for this.
So in all my settings it is as follows.
this is my setup for VM but exactly the same for PAAS(Web app)
<blob defaultProvider="azureblobs">
<add name="azureblobs" type="EPiServer.Azure.Blobs.AzureBlobProvider,EPiServer.Azure" connectionStringName="EPiServerAzureBlobs" container="webassets" />
the connectionstring
<add name="EPiServerAzureBlobs" connectionString="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=MYACCOUNTNAME;AccountKey=MYACCOUNTKEY;" />
here is what my blob containers look like
Hope this helps
Your EPiServer deployment appears similar to mine. We are using PaaS (CosmoDB), DbaaS (Azure SQL) and IaaS too.
I will try duplicating your settings in my test environment and report back. Thank you.
Please do. Curious why it wouldn't connect. Make sure you have EPiServer.Azure packages install which it looks like you do. I have a sneaky suspicion it is security on your container.
It started working when I added the following to the EPiServerAzureBlobs connection in the connectionStrings.config file:
Thanks, Joshua!
On a slightly related note, where do you store your logs and shared files? I am considering using Azure Files but is there is a better solution?
When i comes to logs, i normally store those in application insights. I have also stored them one level back in a logs folder but not sure if you can do that in DXC. Application insights works best for our solutions but not sure your situation or setup. From shared files, i haven't setup any site with a shared file repo but i would image a cdn or something along those lines might solve your situation.
Good Afternoon
I am currently researching into migrating the EPiServer 11.10.1 media blobs from a Windows DFS Share to an Azure Storage Account.
The configuration tried is as follows:
web.config (Note: only relevant sections are shown)
connectionStrings.config (Note: only relevant sections are shown)
When starting the site, the following error is shown in the logs:
(Note: only relevant sections are shown)
I have reviewed this page ( on this site but I am unable to see an error which would be causing the media blob (image) not to be displayed.
The following has been tried already but to no avail:
Permissions: Azure Storage Account - Blobs - Contain (anonymous read access for containers and blobs)
Permissions: The media blob (images) are accessible in a browser independent of the EpiServer platform
Microsoft Support has confirmed there are no known issues affecting the Storage Account
If this makes a difference, EpiServer itself is running on a dedicated VM (IaaS) and using Azure SQL for databases.
Does <appData basePath="" /> need to contain a value to work with an Azure Storage Account?
Any suggestions on what might be (or what I am doing) wrong are welcome.
Thank you.