I looked in the DLLs and found out :)
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
var activityTypeRegistry = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IActivityTypeRegistry>();
var actionTypeList = new List<ActionType>();
actionTypeList.Add(new ActionType(0, "User created"));
actionTypeList.Add(new ActionType(1, "User updated"));
actionTypeList.Add(new ActionType(2, "User deleted"));
var activityType = new ActivityType("User", actionTypeList);
I have made a new Activity type to use for logging changes to Users. So that changes will show up in the Change Log in episerver
This is my new activity:
public class UserActivity : Activity
public UserActivity(string activityType, int action) : base(activityType, action)
public UserActivity(string activityType, int action, IDictionary<string, string> extendedData) : base(activityType, action, extendedData)
public enum UserActivityType
and here is the code i use when adding an activity
var activityRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IActivityRepository>();
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
data.Add("Username", username);
var activity = new UserActivity("User", (int)UserActivityType.Delete, data);
now an entry will appear in the Change Log, with Category = "User" but the Action is 2.
How do i change the shown action to a string i define instead of the int value?