Importing xliff with the language add-on does nothing


I've followed the steps from by adding a page to a project, export it, changed it and tried to import it back and running the scheduled task but all that happens is that the draft date changes but nothing else.

This blog suggests creating the language first and adding that one to the project

None of these things work, the last step should create a new version with the content from the xml or at least update the existing page. I would have assumed that it would create the language variant by itself but since the other blogg suggested that it might not i tried both.

Have anyone gotten these steps to work and can give me a few pointers?



Apr 02, 2019 13:03

Hello Tommy,

I was inspecting this issue. I was able to solve it by checking the following items:

  • Make sure the zip you are going to upload has the exact name as the downloaded one.
  • There are no encoding errors in the translated xliff file or any structure error.
  • Also, make sure you will download and upload the file from the following path: modules\_protected\EPiServer.Labs.LanguageManager\Translation

if you still have an issue, please check the log file stored in the App_Data folder. The error I got before fixing it was "Root element is missing"

Nov 04, 2019 17:23
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