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Versions Gadget shows different person


Has anyone come across this before? If so how did you resolve it? 

It's not doing this all the time so I can't provide steps to recreate this.

Apr 16, 2019 10:12

Hi Alex,
I can't see your image. Can you upload it to an image sharing site, like ?

Apr 16, 2019 16:40
May 01, 2019 9:07

This sounds weird, never seen that before. I tried switching different version updates by different users. Not reproducible. Was that a existing user name?

May be due to improper network/database connection issue. Are you still able to reproduce that issue?

May 02, 2019 15:27

Hi Praful,

weird I agree. I wish I could reproduce it, never been able to. I've seen this twice and it's not really a problem as such, so much so that I just shrugged it off the first time. This time however I thought I'd reach out here; just wondered if anyone else had come across this before :)

They are existing users. I've even just tried making a change with a newly created user and then deleting the user to see if that did anything, but the 'test' user was referenced correctly wherever I looked.

May 02, 2019 17:12

Seeing the exact same thing (episerver.ui

Looking at the api call to /login/cms/stores/contentversion?contentLink=PAGEID, the json response for some of the versions of this page has the wrong "savedBy" value, but correct "statusChangedBy" value.

Apr 01, 2020 11:00

Hi Alex,

I guess what you see is reported in this bug CMS-15365

The version gadget shows the name of the person who created the page, but not the one who changed it

Edited, Apr 15, 2020 14:55

Hi Linh,

Sounds about right. Glad someone managed to work out how to reproduce and file the bug! :)

Apr 15, 2020 14:57
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.