Quan, thanks for your response.
So is it possible to fetch this information from Epi's internal Localization?
"admin/permissiontype/group/<permission group name, in your example, EpiCommerce>/permissions/<the permission without the : delimiter, in your example, catalogadminmetaclsmngcreate>" would give you the path to translation
Ah Interesting.
I tried the following and i am receiving an empty string for each:
var permission = LocalizationService.Current.GetString("admin/permissiontype/group/epicommerce/permissions/catalogadminmetaclsmngcreate");
var permission = LocalizationService.Current.GetString("/admin/permissiontype/group/epicommerce/permissions/catalogadminmetaclsmngcreate");
var permission = LocalizationService.Current.GetString("/episerver/admin/permissiontype/group/epicommerce/permissions/catalogadminmetaclsmngcreate");
Thanks Quan Mai, this ticket can be closed!
The line that worked is:
var permission = LocalizationService.Current.GetString("/admin/permissiontype/groups/epicommerce/permissions/catalogadminmetaclsmngcreate")
Quan Mai,
I found a few instances where the translation returns ""
For instance, the below returns ""
was wondering if instead of epicommerce maybe epicms ?
It is the group name, in case of cms yes it should be epicms (actually I'm not sure, check your db, you should see it there)
Was wondering if there is a gadget, or existing view in the admin console that shows Role x has the following permissions.
I know I can navigate to the "Permissions for Fucntions" view, but this shows a giant containing all of the permissions available.
I am looking for something that can show: The role Customer_Support_Analyst has the following permissions
started looking into implementing a gadget and discovered the table tblUserPermission which contains most of the information I am looking for, but does not contain the friednly description of the role.
For Instance, in the Permissions for functions screen you can see "Allows access to create catalog meta classes - (catalog:admin:meta:cls:mng:create)" but the tblUserPermission table only contains catalog:admin:meta:cls:mng:create.