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Repeat Blocks in Editor



Is there a way to give users the option to add/repeat a block in addition to one that already exists in the editor? For instance if there's a ContentArea block and the user wants to add a new ContentArea block that functions the same, is this possible or will I just have to create a new block all together which functions exactly the same even though it may not be neceesary for every page instance?



Jun 28, 2019 19:46

I think you want this (in below image, 2 Promo Block) action to perform, same block multiple times?

I just verified and it seems to be working for me...

Are you facing any issue? Do let me know.


Edited, Jun 28, 2019 20:48

Thanks for the response Praful.

I'm more interested in the possibility of repeating another ContentArea completely as opposed to a duplicate block from within one as you've shown.

Do you know if this is possible?



Jul 01, 2019 16:01


Your requirement is not clear to me. Can you please provide an example with screenshots? That will be helpful.


Jul 01, 2019 16:23

Hi Gabe, are you talkiing about something other than copy/pasting an existing block (that has a nested ContentArea)?

Jul 01, 2019 16:59
gabed123 - Jul 01, 2019 17:31
Hey Kenny,

I am asking if I ContentAreas can be repeated the same way regular blocks within a ContentArea can.

Sorry about the confusion.

I simply mean that there are more ContentArea block as show below.

This way instead of having to create completely seperate blocks in the code, the original ContentArea can just be repeated.

Edited, Jul 01, 2019 17:18

The image isn't loaded for us.

Jul 01, 2019 17:22

So you want to create a ContentArea property in CMS?

Jul 01, 2019 17:23
gabed123 - Jul 01, 2019 17:30
Sorry the link has been fixed. I apologize I'm not too sure howt o upload images directly with this editor.

To answer yourr question, I believe I know how to create a ContentArea property within teh CMS. I would simply like to know if it's repeatable so I don't have to continually code new ones if I want more than one on a page.


I seem I don't have the privilege of upload images so I've put the link in a comment.

But To answer your question, I believe I know how to create a ContentArea property within the CMS. I would simply like to know if it's repeatable so I don't have to continually code new ones if I want more than one on a page.

Edited, Jul 01, 2019 17:36

Still not completely sure I understand the problem that you are trying to solve but:

  1. Out of the box, you are not limited to the number of blocks you can add to a ContentArea so unless you need content in a different part of the page you can just keep adding blocks to a single ContentArea.
  2. You can use a block that contains a ContentArea so new instances of the block will bring their own ContentArea (there can be tradeoffs here). I.e. nested ContentAreas.
  3. ContentAreas can be created programmatically for some edge cases.

Does any of this help?

Jul 01, 2019 17:50

That's very helpful and I think #2 describes my situation the best. I want nested ContentAreas.

What tradeoffs did you have in mind?

Jul 01, 2019 17:53

You'll see discussions here in the forum (such as this one: proposing alternatives to nesting blocks as it can get a little confusing to the editor when they are several levels deep. I believe there are performance issues to take into account too. But I've worked on several projects with nested blocks so its not uncommon.

Jul 01, 2019 17:58

Thanks Kenny,

I will check out the link you've shared.

Appreciate the help,


Jul 01, 2019 18:11
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