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[Missing text '/headings/heading[@name='Information']/description' for 'English'


I am getting error [Missing text '/headings/heading[@name='Information']/description' for 'English'. I have code like below and when I try to enter data for Student, I get above error message, I can successfully save the data though.

public class StudentProperty : PropertyListBase<TestimonialList>
public class Student

public class StudentBlock : BlockData
[EditorDescriptor(EditorDescriptorType = typeof(CollectionEditorDescriptor<Student>))]
public virtual IList<Student> Students{ get; set; }

Jul 03, 2019 6:25


It's related to the localization labels you haven't configured for a group you are using for that student data you are entering I think. 

Hard to tell without seeing the model for Student but there must be a group you're specifying on one of the properties named "Information". 

How are your group definitions configured? 



Jul 03, 2019 11:52
I have defined group as below.

[Display         (           Name = "SomeName",             GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content,             Order = 5         )]
Jul 03, 2019 12:17

Is that group defined on a property of the Student model? 

If it is I'd suggest removing it - for IList properties, the types that are added to the list are added in situ and don't require groups - maybe by specifying one it has that adverse affect you're seeing...

Let me know how it goes. 

Jul 03, 2019 13:07
Muller - Jul 04, 2019 4:47
I had defined the group both on student model and on the properties of student model. I removed the ones from properties of student. It worked. Thanks.
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