Have you read Form element types, which explains how to work with the two types of dropdowns: "Selection" and "Multiple or Single Choice" ? The Choices fields have a Checked by default property.
Hey Bob,
The link seems to be broken that you shared in your last comment.
Hey Praful,
The correct URL is http://webhelp.episerver.com/latest/en/addons/forms/form-element-types.htm
Both of those links are broken. The "checked by default" property is only available if you manually enter the choices. If you choose a selection feed there is no way to choose the default value. Was hoping you guys had a workaround.
Hi Jason,
Have you checked the link that I provided? It is the same link that Bob mentioned in his comment.
Yes I did, thanks. It only describes how to use the selection field for manual input choices. There is no mention of how to choose a default when you use a selection feed to fill the choices.
Anyone have any suggestion how to do this? Surely I can't be the only one who has had this requirement for dynamic sources.
After reading Kenny's post I realized the view of a SelectionElementBlock calls GetDefaultValue and GetDefaultSelectedString. You should be able to create a custom form element that inherits SelectionElementBlock and override those two methods to whatever you'd like.
Dummy feed
[ServiceConfiguration(ServiceType = typeof(IFeed))]
public class CustomFeed : IFeed, IUIEntityInEditView {
public IEnumerable<IFeedItem> LoadItems(){
var feedItems = new List<IFeedItem>();
feedItems.Add(new FeedItem { Key = "Custom data 1", Value = "1" });
feedItems.Add(new FeedItem { Key = "Custom data 2", Value = "2" });
feedItems.Add(new FeedItem { Key = "Custom data 3", Value = "3" });
return feedItems;
public class FeedProvider : IFeedProvider{
public IEnumerable<IFeed> GetFeeds(){
return ServiceLocator.Current.GetAllInstances<IFeed>();}}
public class DefaultValueSelectionBlock : SelectionElementBlock{
public override string GetDefaultValue(){
return "3";}}
Sending the default value of "3" will set the FeedItem with key "Custom data 3" as default when the dropdown is rendered.
I have a dropdown field on a form that is data driven by a selection feed. Is there a way to choose what the default value of the dropdown will be when it loads?