Please provide more information regarding the version(Old/New) of Episerver etc..
One more thing does it work if you set the optimizeCompilations setting to false in your website web.config?
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.6.2" optimizeCompilations="false" />
The cms was updated from 11.9.3 to 11.13.0 and commerce from 12.5.0 to 13.7.1.
Yeah it worked on setting optimizeCompilations to false. Is this the correct solution for this issue ?
If you set this property to false it will not optimize the compiled code files.
So I think instead of this you should try these things first.
If the above steps solve your problem then you are good. Otherwise, you can also try setting the defaultLanguage to C#
<compilation debug="true" defaultLanguage="c#" optimizeCompilations="true" targetFramework="4.6.1">
or try the different solution given here
After upating the packages to the latest version and on hosting the solution in IIS Server, I am getting this error .