Good afternoon. Faced the problem of updating the field in the find index after upgrading episerver find to version 13. It worked like that. There is a ContentData object for which is added to UnifiedSearch. An id is defined for it using `.IdIs (x => DocumentId.Create (x.Id))`. `IdAttribute` is added to the id field.Now when I try to update some field for this content, I get an error that the content does not exist in find. For this i use:
var id = SearchClient.Instance.Conventions.IdConvention.GetId({contentId});
Good afternoon. Faced the problem of updating the field in the find index after upgrading episerver find to version 13. It worked like that. There is a ContentData object for which is added to UnifiedSearch. An id is defined for it using `.IdIs (x => DocumentId.Create (x.Id))`. `IdAttribute` is added to the id field.Now when I try to update some field for this content, I get an error that the content does not exist in find. For this i use:
var id = SearchClient.Instance.Conventions.IdConvention.GetId({contentId});
SearchClient.Instance.Update<T>(id).Field(x => x.SomeField(), d.SomeField()).Execute();
"RemoteTransportException[Index][indices:data/write/update]]; nested: DocumentMissingException[[index][1] [SomeType][SomeId]: document missing]; "
This code worked fine on the previous version of episerver find (12.7.1). Help me please!