Hi Fredrik,
What are you using the PermanentLinkMapStore for?
If you're not already, you should be using constructor injection, then it's a case of switching to using IUrlResolver and IPermanentLinkMapper. I don't know exactly what PermanentLinkMapStore method you're using, but I'd expect it to look something like this:
using EPiServer.Web;
using EPiServer.Web.Routing;
public class ExampleClass
private IUrlResolver _urlResolver;
private IPermanentLinkMapper _permanentLinkMapper;
public ExampleClass(IUrlResolver urlResolver, IPermanentLinkMapper permanentLinkMapper)
_urlResolver = urlResolver;
_permanentLinkMapper = permanentLinkMapper;
public void ExampleMethod(IContent content)
var url = _urlResolver.GetUrl(content.ContentLink);
var permanentLinkMap = _permanentLinkMapper.Find(content.ContentLink);
Let me know if you have questions.
So this is the code I'm trying to get my head around regardaring PermanentLinkMapStore,
and the warning I'm getting is: Warning CS0618: 'PermanentLinkMapStore' is obsolete: 'Use IPermanentLinkMapper instead'
public static class LinkItemExtensions
public static IEnumerable<IContent> ContentData(this LinkItemCollection linkItemCollection)
var pages = new List<IContent>();
if (linkItemCollection == null) return pages;
var urlResolver = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UrlResolver>();
foreach (var linkItem in linkItemCollection.Where(linkItem => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkItem.Href)))
string linkUrl;
if (!PermanentLinkMapStore.TryToPermanent(linkItem.Href, out linkUrl)) continue;
var urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(linkUrl);
var page = urlResolver.Route(urlBuilder) as PageData;
if (page != null) pages.Add(page);
return pages;
Hi again,
Fairly sure you can just dispense with using the PermanentLinkMapStore
or IPermanentLinkMapper
at all in this scenario.
I think the following should work:
public static IEnumerable<IContent> ContentData(this LinkItemCollection linkItemCollection)
var pages = new List<IContent>();
if (linkItemCollection == null)
return pages;
var urlResolver = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IUrlResolver>();
foreach (var linkItem in linkItemCollection.Where(linkItem => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkItem.Href)))
var page = urlResolver.Route(new UrlBuilder(linkItem.Href)) as PageData;
if (page != null)
return pages;
if (!PermanentLinkMapStore.TryToPermanent(linkItem.Href, out linkUrl)) continue;
you can use UrlResolver.TryToPermanent instead. Same parameters
Sorry for being a bit late and thanks both of you
I ended up like this, see below:
public static class LinkItemExtensions
public static IEnumerable<IContent> ContentData(this LinkItemCollection linkItemCollection)
var pages = new List<IContent>();
if (linkItemCollection == null) return pages;
var urlResolver = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IUrlResolver>();
foreach (var linkItem in linkItemCollection.Where(linkItem => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkItem.Href)))
string linkUrl;
if (!urlResolver.TryToPermanent(linkItem.Href, out linkUrl)) continue;
var page = urlResolver.Route(new UrlBuilder(linkUrl)) as PageData;
if (page != null) pages.Add(page);
return pages;
Getting warnings as follow:
IContentExtensions.PublicUrl(IContent)' is obsolete: 'Will remain at least until jan 2017.
'PermanentLinkMapStore' is obsolete: 'Use IPermanentLinkMapper instead'
and we cant find any solution to fix these warnings
Thanks in advance
/Fredrik and Mats