Get personalized content progamically from TinyMce property


I have this scenario where there is a TinyMCE property called contact details. Editors put contact details based on visitor group.

e.g Contact details for UK Visitor, EU visitor, China visitor, Hong Kong visitor e.t.c. 

I am in UK and when I try to get content from the property trough code I always get the UK to contact details content. Is there any way where I can get for example  Hong Kong visitor or USA visitor contact number programmatically? I want to specify what visit group content I need trough code and if it's not there then fallback to whatever fallback content I get. Something like a filter for visitor helper or something

Apr 23, 2020 13:41
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.